• You chose a file that doesn’t contain any pictures. No pictures found. Indicates the number of picture resources in the selected file and the index of the picture currently selected. Iterates among the picture resources in the selected file. Displays the picture resource indicated by the current index in the file selected. Mac Identifier 2.0 Prefs Mac Identifier did not load at startup. Be sure it is in the Control Panels folder and that it was enabled to run. 20th 600 Matshita / Workgroup Server WGS CD MP PC DOS AV http://www.fluxsoft.com/ This copy of Mac Identifier is registered. Mac Identifier 2.2 is shareware. If you continue using it, please pay the $5 fee. To pay, use the Register program that accompanies it. After you fill in the fields for payment, you can, mail, fax, or email the payment and form to Kagi Shareware. Indicates the number of icon family resources in the selected file and the index of the icon currently selected. Iterates among the icon family resources in the selected file. Displays the icon family resource indicated by the current index in the file selected. The custom name is too long. It cannot exceed 23 characters. The Mac Identifier Prefs file couldn’t be written either because it or the disk volume is locked. You chose a file that doesn’t contain any icons. No icons found. of Mac Identifier 2.1 Prefs custom icon This copy of Mac Identifier hasn’t been registered. dummyText Mac Identifier 2.2 This shareware control panel restores a Mac’s model and icon identity under Mac OS 7.5 or later.